Otitis Externa - VI

on 10.7.06 with 0 comments

  • Fungal infection of the skin lining of the external auditory canal.

  • Causative organisms: Aspergillus niger (black) and Candida albicans (white).

  • Predisposing factors:
  • Prolonged use of local antibiotic ear drops.

  • Excessive sweating, seborrhea.

  • Hot humid and dusty weather.
  • Clinical picture:

1. Itching, the main symptom.

2. Otorrhoea, greyish white.

3. Hearing loss, when the fungus mass occludes the external auditory canal.

4. The lumen of the canal contains a whitish mass with black spots (a wet newspaper).

  • Treatment:

1. Removal of the fungus mass by suction or ear wash.

2. Anti-fungal ear drops and creams e.g. clotrimazole, nystatin or 2% salicylic acid (keratolytic) in alcohol (fungicidal) for 3 weeks.

Category: ENT Notes



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