Otitis Externa - V

on 10.7.06 with 0 comments

Herpes zoster oticus (Ramsey- Hunt syndrome)
  • Causative Agent: herpes zoster virus of the geniculate ganglion of the facial nerve.

  • Clinical picture:

1. Earache in and around the ear.

2. Vesicles on the auricle and in the external auditory canal.

3. Lower motor neuron facial nerve paralysis due to affection of the geniculate ganglion of the facial nerve.

4. May be associated with sensory-neural hearing loss and vertigo due to affection of the cochleo-vestibular nerve ≫ Ramsey-Hunt syndrome

  • Treatment:

1. Ant-viral therapy as acyclovir (oral and local).

2. Corticosteroids (oral and local) in severe cases with affection of the facial and/or cochleo-vestibular nerves.

Category: ENT Notes



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