Volume/Pressure & Inspiration/Expiration

on 12.1.08 with 0 comments

  1. Boyle's Law on Volume/Pressure Relationships
    1. Volume is INVERSELY proportional to Pressure
      • INCREASE in Volume -> DECREASE in Pressure
      • DECREASE in Volume -> INCREASE in Pressure
      • VOLUME change --> PRESSURE change----> gas flows to equalize the pressure
    2. 2. Simple Example of Boyle's Law
      • - plastic bag with plastic tube in the top
      • - as bag expands by pulling, gas moves IN
      • - as bag shrinks by squashing, gas moves OUT
  2. Inspiration
    1. diaphragm muscle contracts, increasing thoracic cavity size in the superior-inferior dimension
    2. external intercostal muscles contract, expanding lateral & anterior-posterior dimension
    3. INCREASED volume (about O.5 liter) -----> DECREASED pulmonary pressure (-1 mm Hg) -----> air rushes into lungs to fill alveoli
    4. deep/forced inspirations - as during exercise and pulmonary disease
      • scalenes, sternocleidomastoid, pectorals are used for more volume expansion of thorax
  3. Expiration
    1. quiet expiration (exhalation) - simple elasticity of the lungs DECREASES volume -----> INCREASED pulmonary pressure -> movement of air out of the lungs
    2. forced expiration - contraction of abdominal wall muscles (ie. obliques & transversus abdominus) further DECREASES volume beyond relaxed point ----> further INCREASE in pulmonary pressure -----> more air moves out

Category: Physiology Notes



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