The Mechanics of Breathing

on 12.1.08 with 0 comments

  1. Relationships of Pressure
    • atmospheric air pressure - 760 mm Hg (at sea level)
    • negative air pressure - LESS than 760 mm Hg
    • positive air pressure - MORE than 760 mm Hg
    • intrapleural pressure - pressure within the pleural "balloon" which surrounds the lung
    • intrapulmonary pressure - pressure within the alveoli (tiny sacs) of the lung itself
  2. Factors holding lungs AGAINST the thorax wall:
    • Surface tension holding the "visceral" and "parietal" pleura together
    • Intrapulmonary pressure ALWAYS slightly greater than intrapleural pressure by 4 mm Hg
    • Atmospheric pressure acting on the lungs
      • atelectasis (collapsed lung) - hole in pleural "balloon" causes equalization of pressure and collapse of the lung
      • pneumothorax - abnormal air in the intrapleural space, can lead to collapsed lung
  1. Factors facilitating lung movement AWAY from thorax wall:
    • Elasticity of lungs allows them to assume smallest shape for given pressure conditions
    • Fluid film on alveoli allows them to assume smallest shape for given pressure conditions

Category: Physiology Notes



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