Gas Exchange: Lungs, Blood, Tissues

on 12.1.08 with 0 comments

  1. External Respiration (Air & Lungs)
  1. Partial Pressure Gradients & Solubilities
    • Oxygen: alveolar (104 mm) -------> blood (40 mm)
    • Carbon Dioxide: blood (45 mm) -------> alveolar (40 mm) (carbon dioxide much more soluble than oxygen)
  2. Alveolar Membrane Thickness (0.5-1.0 micron)
    • very easy for gas to diffuse across alveoli
    • edema - increases thickness, decreases diffusion
  3. Total Alveolar Surface Area for Exchange
    • total surface area healthy lung = 145 sq meters
    • emphysema - decreases total alveolar surface area
  4. Ventilation-Blood Flow Coupling
    • low Oxygen in alveolus -> vasoconstriction
    • high Oxygen in alveolus -> vasodilation
    • high Carb Diox in alveolus -> dilate bronchioles
    • low Carb Diox in alveolus -> constrict bronchioles

B. Internal Respiration (Blood & Tissues)
  1. Oxygen: blood (104 mm) -------> tissues (40 mm)
  2. Carbon Dioxide: tissues (>45 mm) -------> blood (40 mm)

Category: Physiology Notes



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