Oxygen Transport in Blood: Hemoglobin

on 12.1.08 with 0 comments

  1. Association & Dissociation of Oxygen + Hemoglobin
    1. oxyhemoglobin (HbO2) - oxygen molecule bound
    2. deoxyhemoglobin (HHb) - oxygen unbound
      • H-Hb + O2 <========> HbO2 + H+
    3. binding gets more efficient as each O2 binds
    4. release gets easier as each O2 is released
    5. Several factors regulate AFFINITY of O2
      • Partial Pressure of O2
      • temperature
      • blood pH (acidity)
      • concentration of "diphosphoglycerate" (DPG)
  2. Effects of Partial Pressure of O2
    1. oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve
      • 104 mm (lungs) - 100% saturation (20 ml/100 ml)
      • 40 mm (tissues) - 75% saturation (15 ml/100 ml)
      • right shift - Decreased Affinity, more O2 unloaded
      • left shift - Increased Affinity, less O2 unloaded
  3. Effects of Temperature
    1. HIGHER Temperature -----> Decreased Affinity (right)
    2. LOWER Temperature -----> Increased Affinity (left)
  4. Effects of pH (Acidity)
    1. HIGHER pH ------> Increased Affinity (left)
    2. LOWER pH ------> Decreased Affinity (right) "Bohr Effect"
      • more Carbon Dioxide, lower pH (more H+), more O2 release
  5. Effects of Diphosphoglycerate (DPG)
    1. DPG - produced by anaerobic processes in RBCs
    2. HIGHER DPG ----------> Decreased Affinity (right)
    3. thyroxine, testosterone, epinephrine, NE - increase RBC metabolism and DPG production, cause RIGHT shift
  6. Oxygen Transport Problems
    1. hypoxia - below normal delivery of Oxygen
      • anemic hypoxia - low RBC or hemoglobin
      • stagnant hypoxia - impaired/blocked blood flow
      • hypoxemic hypoxia - poor lung gas exchange
    2. carbon monoxide poisoning - CO has greater Affinity than Oxygen or Carbon Dioxide

Category: Physiology Notes



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