Repair of a Broken Bone

on 25.6.08 with 0 comments

  1. A break damages the blood supply to the area – avascular

  2. Periosteum converts back to Perichondrium

  3. Hyaline collagen collar forms

  4. Degenerating bone near area of break attracts a blood supply

  5. Perichondrium converted back to Periosteum

  6. Periosteum starves the chondrocytes => hypertrophy => death => cartilage calcifies

  7. Phagocytes, blood supply, osteoblasts attracted to clean up and convert calcified cartilage to bone

  8. Immature bone forms on the cartilage scaffolding => compact bone replaces immature

  9. Cartilage bump is removed by remodeling

  10. Benefit of cartilage is that it holds the two broken ends together in the right place so that the bone mends properly

Category: Orthopedics Notes



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