Intravenous Pyleogram (IVP or IVU)

on 5.6.08 with 0 comments

  • Usually an iodine compound

  • No recover mechanism so it is pushed out by the kidney

  • Cortical portion will be hit first, then the medullary area gets the definition.

  • Next to the renal pelvis

  • Then through the ureter and into the bladder with larger bladder complex

  • This shows if there is filtration and asses RENAL FUNCTION

  • Delayed enhancement or no enhancement

  • If the above occurs we do a RUP

Retrograde Ureter Pyelogram

  • Used with a catheder & camera (cystourethroscope)

  • Could be a stone or renal artery dysfunction

CT scanning and arterography - this is the #1 3D imaging (CT)

  • If the source of the urinary tract bleeding remains unknown, then CT scanning will be used to see collection point, leakage points, and other.

Renal Biopsy

  • In some cases, glomerular lesions may require renal biopsy for definitive diagnosis

Lithotripter - can break up the calcium of a rib

  • Used to break up stones

Laser -

  • Has to be ventilated


  • Grabs onto the stone to pull it out

Category: Radiology Notes



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