
on 5.6.08 with 0 comments

  • Anything greater than 3 per high field

    • Repeat the test now

  • Failed the test twice

    • Are there casts (formed in the tubular distribution) present


    • Check creatinine or BUN

      • If greater than 20 BUN

      • Then use the ASO titer (antistreptolysin)

      • If positive then

        • AGN - Acute glomerular nephritis

        • Treat as post streptococcal glomerularnephritis


    • Urine culture positive - use AB

    • If urine culture is negative continue to IVP or sonography

      • Look at age

        • Greater than 40

          • Tumor? - Cystoscopy

        • Under 40

          • Monitor every 6 months

Screening Tests

  • BUN

  • Plasma Creatinine

  • Creatinine clearance test

Quantitative Screening (glomerular filtration rate)

  • Serum creatinine

  • Creatinine clearance


  • Fluid biopsy

Tubular function

  • Concentrating ability or acid base study

  • Glucose reabsorption

  • Special studies where indicated


  • The normal healthy glomerulus is going to produce an almost protein free urine (albumin can be in the urine naturally)

  • Less than 200mg of protein is leaked daily

    • The lining of the tubular distribution is living cells. The fluid is actually touching the oldest layer

  • The protein should not be larger than albumin -

    • If so it is the glomerulus that is having the issue

  • Cannot rely on 1 urine test

    • You have to do a 24 hr collection of urine. This is how the study is done to test the glomerulus.

    • Tamm Horsfall protein - this finding requires us to do nothing as this is normal

Nephrotic Syndrome

  • 2.5 grams a day is the least to diagnose this (2500mg) disease

Category: Medicine Notes



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