Know this for hematuria

on 5.6.08 with 0 comments

Triple catch UA

  • 3 sterile cups

  • Order is important

  • Proper cleaning of the periurethral area

  • 50 to 100 ml in each

    • 1st - start stream then stop

    • 2nd - start stream again then stop

    • Prostate exam

    • 3rd - start & complete urination


  • Hematuria in all three

    • Consider bladder lesion or upper tract pathology

  • Terminal or bladder neck hematuria 3rd container (terminal hematuria)

    • This suggests the bladder neck or prostate

  • At start of urination only (initial hematuria)

Think of lesions below the bladder and prostate

The difference between the double and triple catch is the PROSTATE exam

Double Catch - for females

  • Hematuria in all three

    • Consider bladder lesion or upper tract pathology

  • Terminal or bladder neck hematuria

    • Upper UTI or raging bladder infection (concentrate on the bladder & wall)

  • Initial hematuria

    • Usually a urethritis

Category: Pathology Notes



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