
on 22.6.08 with 0 comments

Any inflammatory ds that effects both stomach and intestine
  • Cholera
So it is a group of diseases
It is basically a very broad , generic dx
Probably matching for this topic**

  • People lie and get sick from dehydration causing the electrolyte imbalance
  • You must replace fluid and electrolytes to keep people healthy

E. Coli
  • The E. coli strain that is in water in foreign place is new to your system and makes you sick
  • Nursery diarrhea - epidemic at one time
  • Changing diaper after diaper without washing hands gets organism transferred between infants - introduction of the next strain
  • Travelers diarrhea

Staph food poisoning - m/c of food poisonings
  • Custard is essentially a good culture media
  • Pastries , processed meats, fish
  • It produces a toxin that stimulates vomiting center,

  • Neurotoxin that has broader effect then the toxin of staph
  • Highest mortality rate of all these even with care
  • Sustained heat is only way to kill it, microwave leaves pockets that survive


  • Found in poultry
  • Self limiting
  • Can be carrier without being very sick
  • Blood testing for antibodies is negative b/c it collects in the feces
  • Montezuma's revenge - testing differentiates between the travelers diarrhea

Category: Gastroenterology Notes , Medicine Notes



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