Actinomyces (Murray 3rd Ed pp 291)

on 24.2.08 with 0 comments

These are facultatively anaerobic, gram +ve bacilli. Not acid fast, grow slowly in culture, are non-spore forming, and form filaments in specimens. Most important human disease causing organism is: A. israelii (human actinomycosis).

Pathogenesis & Immunity (Murray 3rd pp 292)

Colonise the URT, GIT, and female GUT. Actinomycosis occurs when multiple abscesses are connected to one another by sinus tracts. ‘Sulphur granule’ colonies are seen (yellow/orange). Most cases are cervicofacial type, sometimes abscesses of lung due to aspiration (thorax type). Abdominal actinomycosis can also form, can spread to virtually every organ in the body via blood + lymphatics.

Treatment (Murray 3rd Ed pp 294)

Surgical debridement of the tissue (i.e.: making it into a tidy wound), along with continuous administration of antibiotics. Most common usage is penicillin along with erythromycin & tetracyclines.

Category: Microbiology Notes



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