on 19.1.08 with 0 comments

The Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP) was launched in India in 1997. Under this program, DOTS (Directly Observed therapy Short Course) is being implemented. the thrice weekly regimen is followed.

In DOTS, patient is administered drugs under the supervision of a health worker or other trained personnel to ensure drugs are actually consumed.

  • To improve patient compliance and prevent emergence of Drug resistant tuberculosis and Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis.
  • The thrice weekly regimen is followed
    • Intensive Phase: H 600mg+R 600mg+Z 2000mg+ E 1600mg + Pyridoxine 10mg For 2 Months
    • Continuation Phase: H 600mg+R 600mg+ Pyridoxine 10mg For 4 Months

Multi Drug resistant Tuberculosis

  • Resistance to both Isoniazid and Rifampicin with or without resistance to other anti-tubercular agents.
  • Treatment
    • Specially designed or individualized regimen
    • 5-6 drugs to which the patient has not been exposed to previously
    • Daily and Directly observed for at least 24 months.

  • Designed to treat MDR- TB using second line drugs.
  • Recommended in areas where DOTS is well established.

TB Treatment in HIV

  • Same categorisation
  • Only difference is that Rifabutin is preferred to Rifampicin

TB in Pregnancy
  • Isoniazid,Rifampicin and Ethambutol are safe.


  • Use of anti tubercular drugs to prevent active infection
  • Isoniazid is the most ideal agent as it is orally effective , cheap and less toxic.
  • Indications:
    • Newborn of mother with active tuberculosis
    • Chidren with positive tuberculin test
    • Patients with positive tuberculin test with additional risk factors

Role of Corticosteroids

  • Relative contraindication
  • Indications under cover of ATT
    • To prevent pleural/peritoneal/pericardial fibrosis
    • To treat hypersensitivity reactions to Anti-Tubercular Agents
    • In the eye, larynx, genito urinary tracts to prevent scarring
  • Prednisone is the preferred agent.

Category: Pharmacology Notes



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