Neural Substrates of Breathing

on 12.1.08 with 0 comments

  1. Medulla Respiratory Centers
    • Inspiratory Center (Dorsal Resp Group - rhythmic breathing) ----> phrenic nerve ----> intercostal nerves ----> diaphragm + external intercostals
    • Expiratory Center (Ventral Resp Group - forced expiration) ----> phrenic nerve ----> intercostal nerves ----> internal intercostals + abdominals (expiration)
    1. eupnea - normal resting breath rate (12/minute)
    2. drug overdose - causes suppression of Inspiratory Center
  2. Pons Respiratory Centers
    1. pneumotaxic center - slightly inhibits medulla, causes shorter, shallower, quicker breaths
    2. apneustic center - stimulates the medulla, causes longer, deeper, slower breaths
  3. Control of Breathing Rate & Depth
    1. breathing rate - stimulation/inhibition of medulla
    2. breathing depth - activation of inspiration muscles
    3. Hering-Breuer Reflex - stretch of visceral pleura that lungs have expanded (vagal nerve)
  4. Hypothalamic Control - emotion + pain to the medulla
  5. Cortex Controls (Voluntary Breathing) - can override medulla as during singing and talking

Category: Physiology Notes



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