Chemical Controls of Respiration

on 12.1.08 with 0 comments

  1. Chemoreceptors (CO2, O2, H+)
    1. central chemoreceptors - located in the medulla
    2. peripheral chemoreceptors - large vessels of neck
  2. Carbon Dioxide Effects
    • a powerful chemical regulator of breathing by increasing H+ (lowering pH)
      1. hypercapnia Carbon Dioxide increases ->
        • Carbonic Acid increases ->
        • pH of CSF decreases (higher H+)>
        • DEPTH & RATE increase (hyperventilation)
      2. hypocapnia - abnormally low Carbon Dioxide levels which can be produced by excessive hyperventilation; breathing into paper bag increases blood Carbon Dioxide levels
  3. Oxygen Effects
    1. aortic and carotid bodies - oxygen chemoreceptors
    2. slight Ox decrease - modulate Carb Diox receptors
    3. large Ox decrease - stimulate increase ventilation
    4. hypoxic drive - chronic elevation of Carb Diox (due to disease) causes Oxygen levels to have greater effect on regulation of breathing
  4. pH Effects (H+ ion)
    • acidosis - acid buildup (H+) in blood, leads to increased RATE and DEPTH (lactic acid)
  5. Overview of Chemical Effects
    • Chemical Breathing Effect
      • increased Carbon Dioxide (more H+) increase
      • decreased Carbon Dioxide (less H+) decrease
      • slight decrease in Oxygen effect CO2 system
      • large decrease in Oxygen increase ventilation
      • decreased pH (more H+) increase
      • decreased pH (less H+) decrease

Category: Physiology Notes



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