Drugs Used In Tuberculosis - Rifampicin

on 19.1.08 with 0 comments

Rifampicin (Rifampin)

  • First line anti tubercular agent
  • Semi synthetic antibiotic
  • Orally effective
  • Active against all sub populations of Mycobacteria including persisters. (Hence called a Sterilising Agent)
  • Has tuberculocidal action

Mechanism of Action

  • Inhibits bacterial DNA dependent RNA polymerase and thereby suppresses the chain initiation in RNA synthesis.

Activity Spectrum

  • Mycobacteria
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Hemophillus influenzae,E.coli,Pseudomonas,Klebsiella
  • N.Meningitides


  • Orally administered and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
  • Food interferes with its absorption
  • Widely distributed across all the body cavities,tissues and fluids.
  • Attains high concentrations in the CSF.
  • Stains all body fluids harmless orange-red color.
  • Metabolised in the liver to its active deacetylated form which is excreted in the bile and undergoes enterohepatic cycling.
  • The other metabolites are excreted in urine.

Therapeutic Uses

  • Tuberculosis : Along with Isoniazid and other anti-tubercular agents.
  • Leprosy: Along with Dapsone and clofazimine
  • Prophylaxis of Meningococcal and H.influenzae meningitis
    • Penicillins are ineffective for prophylaxis as they penetrate poorly into the naso-pharynx where these organisms are commensals
    • 600mg P.O. 12th hourly for 4 doses
    • Minocycline can also be used for prophylaxis but rarely due to toxicity.
  • Staphylococcal endocarditis and osteomyelitis : along with ß-lactam antibiotics
  • Brucellosis: In combination with Doxycycline is the preferred therapy.

Adverse Effects

  • Hepatitis
    • More common among the elderly and chronic alcoholics.
  • Gastrointestinal disturbance
  • Flu-like syndrome
  • Respiratory syndrome
  • Cutaneous syndrome
  • Abdominal syndrome


  • Repeated administration of rifampin causes enzyme induction and reduces the plasma concentration of co-administered drugs such as oral contraceptive pills. oral anti-coagulants, oral anti-diabetic agents, Anti-HIV protease inhibitors,NNRTI's,Digoxin,Quinidine, propranolol etc.
  • Causes auto induction of its own metabolism.

Category: Pharmacology Notes



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