Diagnosis Of Ischemic Colitis

on 1.1.08 with 0 comments

Ischemic colitis may be diagnosed by the following :

1. single contrast barium enema
2. CT
3. angiography
4. colonoscopy and biopsy

A single contrast barium enema would reveal serrated mucosa; pseudopolyposis; transverse ridging; and "thumbprinting" on the mesenteric side; deep ulcers may be evident CT is alsp useful demonstrating curvilinear collection of intramural gas , portal and mesenteric venous air and occasionally blood clot in SMA / SMV Angio may show normal / slightly attenuated arterial supply and mild acceleration of arteriovenous transit time

However the best way of demonstrating ischmeic colitis is by means of a colonic biopsy.
A Colonic biopsy is usually needed to establish the diagnosis.

On histology there is extensive necrosis and loss of glands , (black arrow) . Hemorrhage is seen in the lamina propria(green arrow)

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