Investigations of Choice !

on 1.1.08 with 0 comments

1.Bronchiectasis, Alveolitis: High Resolution CT

2. Pancoast Tumor(Superior Sulcus Tumor): MRI

3. Parathyroid Adenoma: SESTAMIBI Scan

4. Acute Cholecystitis:Tc99 HIDA scan

5. Posterior Mediastinal Masses: MRI

6. To determine reversibility of MI: Thallium 201 scan

7.Acute ureteric colic: SPIRAL CT

8. Anterior Urethral Defects:Retrograde Cystourethrography

9. Posterior Urethra: MCU

10. Acoustic Neuroma: Ga-enhanced MRI

11. Infantile Hydrocephalus: Transfontanelle USG

12. Spinal Metastasis: MRI

13. Klatskin tumour: PTC

14. Obstructive Jaundice:USG

15. Aortic Dissection: MRI

16. Acue Ischemic Stroke: DWMRI

17. Ac. SAH within 2 days (FRESH): NCCT head

18. CHRONIC SAH (>2 days): MRI

19. ACUTE Pancreatitis: CECT

20. Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: Gadolinium enhanced MRI

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