HIV: Nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitors

on 30.9.09 with 0 comments


Daily dose



Zidovudine (Retrovir®) Tablet 100/250/300mg

2 x 300 mg

Anaemia, leukopaenia, myalgia, nausea

Check haematology.

Not together with Zerit®

Lamivudine (Epivir®)

Tablet 150 mg

2 x 150 mg

Usually tolerated well; neuropathy, pancreatitis


Not together with Hivid®


AZT 300 + 3TC 150

2 x 1 tablet

See above

See above

Zalcitabine (Hivid®)

Tablet 375 / 750 g

3 x 0,75 mg

Peripheral polyneuropathy, oral and oesophageal ulcers


Not together with Zerit®, Videx® or Epivir®

Didanosine (Videx®)

Tablet 25-50-100-150 mg

Tablet 250 EC, 400 mg EC

Powder 100, 167, 250 mg

If > 60 kg, then

2 x 200 mg tabl or 1 x 400 mg EC tabl or powder 2 x 250 mg

Pancreatitis, hyperuricaemia,

Peripheral polyneuropathy

Take fasting, chew or dissolve tablet in water or apple juice before swallowing.

Not together with Hivid®.

Two hour interval with indinavir

Stavudine (Zerit®)

30/40 mg

Zerit XR = once daily

2 x 30 (<>

2 x 40 (> 60 kg)

Usually tolerated well,

Peripheral polyneuropathy, liver disorders

Dose according to weight and kidney function.

Not together with AZT or Hivid®

Abacavir (Ziagen®)

300 mg tablet

2 x 300 mg

Flu-like syndrome, rash, dizziness, gastrointestinal and liver disorders

Adefovir (Preveon®)

60 / 120 mg tablet

4 x 120 mg

Neutropaenia, proteinuria,

Gastrointestinal and liver disorders

To be taken together with L-carnitine 500 mg

Category: Medical Subject Notes , Pharmacology Notes



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