You are here: Home » Pathology Notes » Medulloblastoma
Tumor of very primitive, undifferentiated cells that can differentiate along neural lines or glial lines
This is a tumor of kids
Named based on where it is
If it’s in the cerebellum-midline, it’s a medulloblastoma
If it’s in the adrenal medulla, it’s a neuroblastoma
If it’s in the eye it’s a retinoblastoma
If it’s anywhere else it’s a primitive neural ectodermal tumor (PNET)
Can get into CSF and invade meninges
Looks like small oat cell carcinoma of the lung
Sheets of anaplastic cells, abundant mitoses
Can form pseudo-rosettes (Homer-Wright rosettes)
Can be treated decently with chemo and surgery (~75% 5YS)
Grossly they are big, hemorrhagic, mushy messes and may appear slightly cystic (include pilocytic astrocytoma in the differential)
Category: Pathology Notes
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