
on 3.10.08 with 0 comments

Prevention is better than cure. Sometimes prevention is the only feasible measure (for example AIDS).

Prevention is based on:

  • Vaccination: for example measles, polio, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, yellow fever

  • Chemoprophylaxis: for example the regular intake of antimalaria tablets

  • Interruption of transmission. A good knowledge of the biological cycle of the pathogen is necessary for this. For example, control of the tsetse fly for sleeping sickness. Interruption of epidemic typhus transmission by delousing.

  • Information, health education and encouragement of personal hygiene e.g. via school.

  • Genetic counselling has its place in a number of hereditary diseases.

  • Clean drinking water and food, use of good sanitary facilities. Quality control of food and drinking water is essential if it can be coupled to action to improve the situation.

  • Food supplements: e.g. vitamin A, iodine deficiency

  • Rapid isolation and treatment of infectious diseases (e.g. Ebola fever, open pulmonary tuberculosis, plague).

  • Epidemiological surveillance (regional, national, international) is important.

  • Combating poverty is the best prevention

Category: Medicine Notes



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