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Prevention is better than cure. Sometimes prevention is the only feasible measure (for example AIDS).
Prevention is based on:
Vaccination: for example measles, polio, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, yellow fever
Chemoprophylaxis: for example the regular intake of antimalaria tablets
Interruption of transmission. A good knowledge of the biological cycle of the pathogen is necessary for this. For example, control of the tsetse fly for sleeping sickness. Interruption of epidemic typhus transmission by delousing.
Information, health education and encouragement of personal hygiene e.g. via school.
Genetic counselling has its place in a number of hereditary diseases.
Clean drinking water and food, use of good sanitary facilities. Quality control of food and drinking water is essential if it can be coupled to action to improve the situation.
Food supplements: e.g. vitamin A, iodine deficiency
Rapid isolation and treatment of infectious diseases (e.g. Ebola fever, open pulmonary tuberculosis, plague).
Epidemiological surveillance (regional, national, international) is important.
Combating poverty is the best prevention
Category: Medicine Notes
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