Microcytic anaemia

on 3.10.08 with 0 comments

Principal causes of microcytic anaemia are:

Chronic iron deficiency due to

  • occult gastrointestinal blood loss (ancylostomiasis, gastritis, peptic ulcer, stomach or colon carcinoma, severe schistosomiasis)

  • gynaecological abnormalities (menorrhagia, metrorhagia, post-partum blood loss). Heavy menstrual blood loss in the absence of gynaecological abnormalities is often caused by von Willebrand disease.

  • nutritional deficiency

  • gluten enteropathy can result in mixed deficiencies


  • thalassaemia major and intermedia

  • sickle cell anaemia can be microcytic or normocytic

Rare causes

  • Microcytic anaemia can occur with vitamin C deficiency (scurvy). Spontaneous bleeding (e.g. of the gums) and perifollicular petechiae will suggest the diagnosis in these cases.

Category: Pathology Notes



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