Malaria: Febrile convulsions

on 6.10.08 with 0 comments

Febrile convulsions are generalised tonic-clonic convulsions. They only occur in children between the age of 6 months and 5 years and will not be repeated during the same fever episode. They occur during the phase in which the fever is rising fast. They always last less than 15 minutes (including postictal coma) and there is never postictal hemiparesis. It is important to differentiate between febrile convulsions and convulsions during fever (e.g. cerebral malaria, meningitis, cerebral abscess). Approximately 2% of children have a tendency (possibly genetic) for febrile convulsions. The risk that epilepsy will develop in this group of patients is no greater than in children without febrile convulsions. Brief and sporadic attacks have a good prognosis. No maintenance therapy with anti-epileptic agents must be instituted in cases of febrile convulsions.

Category: Medicine Notes



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