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phylum Basidiomycota
nonfermentative yeast
produces urease
one pathogenic and 38 nonpathogenic species
Picture of Crypto
round yeast with a capsule is Cryptococcus neoformans
capsule is visualized with a mucicarmine stain, which stains the organism pink. clear areas are the capsule
SEM of budding
Ecology of Cryptococcus
var neoformans is found in soil contaminated by pigeon droppings
var gattii is found in eucalyptus trees
Virulence factors
ability to grow at body temperature
phenol oxidase, which produces melanin, a black pigment that absorbs free radicals
mannitol synthesis
Birdseed agar
the black pigment tells you that you are dealing with C. neoformans rather than any other species of Cryptococcus
Epidemiology of C. neoformans infection
can cause disease in immunologically normal hosts
however, vast majority of infections are still in AIDS patients
in AIDS, C. neoformans var neoformans causes almost all the disease
Pathogenesis of C. neoformans
organism is inhaled
can cause pneumonia or disseminate directly
infects meninges, occasionally skin
in AIDS patients, can cause widespread disease
serologic and skin testing reagents are cross-reactive, so incidence of asymptomatic or self-limited infection is unknown
Host defenses against Cryptococcus
T-cell-mediated immunity
NK cells
? whether anti-capsular antibody can be protective
Diagnosis of Crypto
cryptococcal antigen, not antibody, in CSF or serum
culture of the organism
Category: Microbiology Notes
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