Staph toxic shock syndrome

on 19.9.08 with 0 comments

  • caused by molecules released from Staph

  • toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 led to the large number of cases initially reported with this syndrome

  • it is a syndrome of unregulated immune reaction characterized by fever, myalgia, abdominal pain, weakness, hypotension, mental clouding; acutely, headache and vomiting

  • only later do you see sloughing of the skin and epidermal involvement

First infections were seen with Rely tampons

  • super-absorbent, so you can go boating with a white bathing suit

  • however, Staph, a native vaginal strain, would produce toxin to such a degree that it would get systemically absorbed

  • a shift away from this kind of tampon has led to decrease in incidence

Category: Microbiology Notes



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