GenitoUrinary CARCINOMAS

on 18.9.08 with 0 comments

#1 carcinoma is prostate cancer; Bladder cancer is #2; Renal cell carcinoma is much smaller amount;

Sx: Alteration in urinary habit - problem with starting, problem keeping urination going, etc.; Digital rectal exam (DRE) reveals hard nodules when nodular prostate cancer is present; Infiltrating prostate cancers may feel normal; Palpatory abnormality on DRE is inclusion criteria;

Look at films for blastic cancer - ivory vertebrae, dense patch on pelvis; PSA values - sensitive test - has high rate of false positives though - can control sensitivity of test (when we regulate the test so that it is not as sensitive then get a higher number of false negatives);

Want the 5-6 hour surgery for cancer because less likely to have incontinence and impotence (the 45 minute surgery is more likely to cause these problems)

Category: Nephrology Notes



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