Maculodensa Cells all the Way to Angiotensin II *****KNOW THE WHOLE STORY*****

on 12.8.08 with 0 comments

  • All this cell can do is note concentration of Chloride

    • Stimulates the JG cells

      • Juxtaglomerular cells

        • They release renin, which is a hormone,

        • And is released straight into the blood pool (vascular tree)

        • Renin acts as a cleaver…it is looking for angiotensinogen (precurser molecule found in the liver) it is going to cleave off a part of the structure to reveal a binding site

          • Now it is called angiotensin 1 - Now it is carried to the Lung

          • Here it meets ACE - Angiotensin Converting Enzyme. Now another binding site is exposed and it is now called angiotensin II (Angiotensin 1 + ACE = Angiotensin II)

            • It is the strongest thing we know for the elevation of aldosterone (targets sodium & is recoverd more from the urine)

              • Reduction of Na+ loss and pulls the water with it. Increases the vascular volume increasing the BP in the body

            • Increase the hydrostatic pressure in the glomerulus (turns up the leak hose, & increase GFR)

Category: Physiology Notes



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