
on 31.8.08 with 0 comments

Urethra may form an opening at the under side of the penis (hypospadias) or the upper side of the penis (epispadias). Epispadias, which is often more severe than hypospadias, occurs much less frequently. child may have difficulty urinating while standing. Many boys with these conditions are more susceptible to urinary tract infections because of the shortened urethra.


There are several different surgical techniques for hypospadias and epispadias. However, there are two basic goals of corrective surgery: (1) To straighten the penis (if chordee is present); (2) To extend the urethra to the tip of the penis. Straightening the penis typically involves cutting tissue that is pulling on the tip of the penis and causing it to bend toward the shaft. Extending the urethra can be more complicated, depending on the severity of the condition.

Category: Nephrology Notes



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