Chronic Renal Failure

on 5.6.08 with 0 comments

  • Is not common but can occur

    • Diabetic or hypertension

    • Renalpolycystic disease

  • S & S of Diabetes

    • Change in urination (too much) (diuresis or polyuria)

    • Drinking a lot of water (polydipsia)

    • UA - glucose, ketones, (hyperglucose urea)

    • Glomerular hydrostatic pressure increased (GFR and increased tubular flow rates)….early on

    • Later on….glomerular can swell

  • Diabetic Neuropathy

  • Acute renal failure aka oliguria

  • Then they are normal (MIDDLE GROUND)

  • Then Chronic renal failure aka diuresis


  • Reduced GFR

  • Azotemia - collection of BUN in patient

  • Hypernatrimia

  • Polydipsia

    • Oliguria, decreased urine output, increased renin, stimulates thirst

  • Oligouria

  • Anemia present (due to fibrotic repair)

    • Decreased hematopeitin

    • Underproduction & Overdestruction


    • This is because the diseases that cause it cannot be cured (diabetes, glomerular nephritis…inflammation of the basement membrane of the glomerulus…sensitivity reaction)


  • High tubular flow rates

  • Hyponatrimia (Na+ loss)

  • Dehydration

  • Polyuria

  • Polydipsia

    • Aldosterone driven elevation

  • Diarrhea

Management of chronic renal failure

  • Pt. With this early on should increase water intake and increase vitamins (calcium, vit D, loading activities), potassium rich foods if passing through them fast,

  • Exercise can help the renal function

  • Reduce nitrogenous waste (shift their diet)

  • Reduce acid load

  • Aluminum base antacids bind to phosphates

Dialysis - fancy filter for the patients blood (like a water filter)

Category: Medicine Notes



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