Celiac Disease aka Celiac Sprue - m/c malabsorption syndrome, it is gluten enteropathy

on 22.6.08 with 0 comments

  • Digestive ds that damages SI and decreases absorption
  • Essentially have an allergy to gluten (protein in wheat, rye, barley)
  • When they eat it, their immune system damages SI
  • Starts in jejunum
  • Immune system attaches villi (velvety) and leaves behind bowel wall that is flat with no villli - wall is featureless or moonfaced
  • No villi = no absorption - malnourished, regardless of quanity of food eaten
  • Gold standard for dx is endoscopy w/ biopsy
  • Unlike crohn's , no hole developes through the mucosa
  • They have eosinophelia (sign of hypersensitivity rxn)
  • Signs and symptoms
    • Recurring abdominal bloating and pain
  • Tough to dx because symptoms look like other ds of GI
  • Good test is blood test to see if they have antibodies to gluten - 3 of them
  • Screening is not a bad idea
    • They screen in Italy - dx comes 2-3 weeks after symptoms start
    • In US dx comes > 10 yrs after symptoms
  • Tx
    • Gluten free diet - can be difficult

Category: Gastroenterology Notes , Medicine Notes



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