Yeast-like Fungi (yeasts which produce pseudo hyphae)

on 16.5.08 with 1 comment

The most important species of yeast like fungi is Candida. The most important genre out of this species is albicans. Other genre include: tropicalis, krussei etc. Most of the genre is part of the normal human flora and live as commensals. In about 80% of the popn you can isolate at least one genre of the Candida species. Rarely these organisms gain access to the blood stream from the oral cavity, GI tract or even straight into blood by way of contaminated IV instruments. This causes disseminated infections usually involving the heart, spleen, liver, brain, lungs, kidneys etc. Skin lesions may be present in 10-30% of patients and it is an important in diagnosis as post-mortem blood cultures prove negative.

The most susceptible patients are those that are immunocompromised. Reasons may be that they are on such drugs/therapy after receiving an organ transplant, HIV/AIDS patients etc.

Diagnosis is by preparing a gram stain, which identifies the presence of budding (pseudohyphae). For specific diagnosis prepare a germ tube test and incubate under 37ÂșC. If germ tubes are produced, then we have species Candida.

Treatment: Topical treatments for the immunocompetent patient usually results good outcomes, for the immunocompromised patient a combination of Amp B + 5-fluorocytosine is recommended + drugs from the azole group such as: ketoconazole, flucocanozole etc. These are less toxic than Amp B. Treatment with azole results in fungal infections to recur after drug therapy is ceased. Probitoic therapy: yoghurt contains lactobacilli, a beneficial species of bacteria that prevents/treats infection.

Category: Microbiology Notes



Hailey Harris said...
June 13, 2008 at 8:33 PM

Candida can be a very irritating yeast infection. A person who has developed this infection suffers from itchiness and burning. If you are infected by Candida, you will require the proper treatment. Otherwise this infection can not be controlled and may spread to other parts of the body. Candida usually develops in the moist and damp parts of your body like vagina and around the douches. It is a fungal infection and depending on your conditions it may take a few months for it to fully clear up. One of the best ways of preventing Candida is by adopting a healthy lifestyle. However, it is a chronic infection that can reemerge frequently. Therefore, we have provided some advices that may prove helpful in preventing its onset.

If you have suffered from Candida before, it may reappear, as it is a chronic infection. We suggest that you avoid wearing very tight nylon clothes or any other clothes that accumulate moisture. Tight fittings and nylon underpants create damp and warm environment that breeds Candida. Do not sit in your swimming suit for along time. Dry your body completely after taking a bath because moisture on your body can be harmful if you have developed Candida before.

If you are suffering from Candida, you should be more careful about your personal hygiene. Keep your body clean and dry. Do not use soaps that cause irritation. Try avoiding harsh shampoos. They may cause burning or pain in the effected body parts. It is recommended that you should not take unnecessary doses of antibiotics because they can affect the immune system of body and may create suitable environment for Candida infection.

Here are some of the more common symptoms of Candida and yeast.

- Itching
- Pain when urinating
- Leaky guy syndrome
- Rashes
- Fatigue
- Tiredness
- Arthritis
- Gas
- Food allergies
- Memory problems
- Joint pain
- Headaches
- Premature aging
- Irritability
- Itching
- Pain when urinating
- Leaky guy syndrome
- Rashes
- Fatigue
- Tiredness
- Arthritis
- Gas
- Food allergies
- Memory problems
- Joint pain
- Headaches
- Premature aging
- Irritability
- And more...

If you would like to be done with yeast and candida forever without using drugs, or topical ointments, and without the side on. This technique is revolutionary in that it does not require prescription medications that just mask your symptoms. This system attacks yeast and builds an environment that it cannot survive in removes it for good.

Let me give you three good reasons to believe:
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Here's Rid Yeast, For free and helpful info. To receive tons of info, tips, and healing strategies for free visit Rid Yeast - Articles found at

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