on 24.2.08 with 0 comments

Infections that cause congenital/neonatal complications: ToRCHeS -- all of these organisms can cross the blood-placenta barrier.

a. Toxoplasma gondii -- can cause chorioretinitis, blindness, seizures, mental retardation, microcephaly, encephalitis, and stillbirth if infections is acquired early in gestation.

b. Rubella (Rubivirus) -- risk is greatest with infection early in fetal development. Heart: PDA,VSD and pulmonary artery stenosis. Eye: cataracts, chorioretinitis. CNS: mental retardation, microcephaly, deafness.

c. CMV -- most common viral cause of mental retardation. Also cause microcephaly, deafness, seizures.

d. Herpes -- neonate is often infected during delivery. Manifestations vary -- vesicular lesions or CNS involvement.


e. Syphilis -- high rate of mortality (still-birth, spontaneous abortion, and neonatal death). Survivors will go on to develop Early of Late congenital syphilis.

1. Early: occurs w/in 2 years and is like severe adult secondary syphilis -- widespread rash and condyloma latum. "Snuffles" -- mucous membrane involvement with runny nose.

2. Late: similar to adult tertiary syphilis except cardiovascular involvement rarely occurs.

Category: Medicine Notes



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