General Functions of the Autonomic Nervous System

on 20.1.08 with 0 comments

  • ANS regulates organs/processes not under conscious control including:

    1. circulation

    2. digestion

    3. respiration

    4. temperature

    5. sweating

    6. metabolism

    7. some endocrine gland secretions

  • Sympathetic system is most active when the body needs to react to changes in the internal or external environment: The requirement for sympathetic activity is most critical for:

    1. temperature regulation

    2. regulation of glucose levels

    3. rapid vascular response to hemorrhage

    4. reacting to oxygen deficiency

  • During rage or fright the sympathetic system can discharge as a unit--affecting multiorgan systems.

      • Sympathetic fibers show greater ramification.

      • Sympathetic preganglionic fibers may traverse through many ganglia before terminiating at its post-ganglionic cell. Synaptic terminal arborization results in a single preganglionic fiber terminating on many post-ganglionic cells.

      • This anatomical characteristic is the basis for the diffuse nature of sympathic response in the human and other species.

    • Sympathetic Responses

  • Increases heart rate & blood pressure

  • Blood flow to skeletal muscles is increased

  • Increases blood glucose

  • Dilates bronchioles & pupils

    • Parasympathetic responses

  • Slows heart rate

  • Constricts the pupil

  • Lowers blood pressure

  • Increases gastrointestinal motility

  • Helps in empting bowel and bladder

Category: Pharmacology Notes



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