Drugs Used In Tuberculosis - Streptomycin and Ethambutol

on 19.1.08 with 0 comments

  • First line anti tubercular agent
  • First Drug discovered to have anti-tubercular acivity
  • Given inramuscularly
  • Effective only against extracellular bacilli in alkaline pH


  • Only first line anti-tubercular agent with tuberculostatic effect

Mechanism of Action

  • Inhibits arabinosyl transferase enzyme involved in mycobacterial cell wall synthesis


  • Orally administered and well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
  • Widely distributed
  • Attains high concentrations and is stored in the Eryhrocytes.
  • Metabolised in the liver and excreted in urine.

Rationale as First Agent

  • Resistance to ethambutol develops slowly and it also prevents development of resistance against Isoniazid and Rifampicin
  • It is effecive against mycobacteria resistant to Isoniazid and Rifampicin and many Atypical Mycobacteria
  • No Cross resistance with other anti-tubercular agents
  • Has tuberculocidal action at high concentrations.

Adverse Effects

  • Optic Neuriis
    • Decreased visual acuity
    • Color vision defects Especially Red-green Discrimination
    • Central Scotoma
    • Advise periodic ophthalmic examinations
  • Avoid in children less than 6 yrs of age
    • they cannot report eye disurbances accurately
    • It is difficult assess visual acuity in them

Category: Pharmacology Notes



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