Content of Bile and Bile Release into Small Intestine

on 5.1.08 with 0 comments

  1. Content of Bile (made in Liver, released by Gall Bladder)
    1. bile salts, bile pigments, cholesterol, neutral fats, phospholipids, electrolytes
    2. bile salts - derivatives of cholesterol (cholic acid, chenodeoxycholic acid)
      • emulsify fats - separate fats into tiny droplets for digestion & absorption
      • enterohepatic circulation - conservation of bile salts by re-processing
        • reabsorbed at in distal small intestine
        • to liver via hepatic portal blood
        • resecreted as bile from gall bladder
    3. bile pigment (bilirubin) - waste product of heme from broken-down erythrocytes
      • urobilinogen - breakdown product of bilirubin, causes darker coloration of feces
  2. Regulation of Bile Release to Small Intestine
    1. hepatocytes - cells of the liver that produce 0.5-1.0 liters of bile each day
    2. parasympathetic - stimulates gall bladder release
    3. cholecystokinin (CCK) - hormone released by cells of the mucosa of the duodenum
      • acidic, fatty chyme enters duodenum -----> duodenal mucosa secretes CCK ----->
        • gall bladder contracts to release bile
        • pancreas secretes pancreatic juices
        • hepatopancreatic sphincter opens
    4. gallstones - crystallized formation of cholesterol and salts, causing obstruction of bile release

Category: Physiology Notes



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