Congestive (dilated) Cardiomyopathy

on 23.1.08 with 0 comments

Imp Points:
  • Most common cardiomyopathy (90%)
  • AD(35%)
  • Inherited cytoskeletal mutations
  • Men 20-60 (young)
  • Most common cause of transplant
Risk Factors/Causes:
  • Often Unknown
  • Alcohol cardiomyopathy, thiamine defficiency (Beriberi heart), or prior myocarditis (late stage myocarditis?)
  • Peripartum cardiomyopathy (late 3rd trimester or post partum) – 50% of these pts recover
  • Mutations - Dystrophin gene (occurs with Duchenne’s MD), Ox phos mito genes
  • Drug toxicity (adriamycin)
  • Hemochromatosis
Clincal/Pathological Features:

  • 4 chamber dilation with R and L sided SYSTOLIC heart failure Viruses have been identified in these hearts
  • Normal wall thickness
  • Enlarged flabby heart which is dilated and hypertrophied, stretched myocytes with enlarged nuclei
  • Lack of contraction → formation of mural thrombi
  • Myocyte hypertrophy, interstitial fibrosis, wavy fiber changes, mono infiltrate
  • ↓ EF → CHF
Inflammatory infiltrate not common

Category: Pathology Notes



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