SPECTRUM OF CLINICAL FEATURES / SYNDROMES (Lecture notes, Micro made easy, Chapter 9 – The enterics) – should know the different syndromes

on 6.12.07 with 0 comments

  • Non-inflammatory watery diarrhoea: This is caused by production of enterotoxins. Species that cause this include: ETEC (LT & ST inhibit Na+ Cl- reabsorption, loss of water follows), V. cholera (cholera toxinA + B subunit, B unit allows entry of A subunit A subunit increases intracellular cAMP drives Na+/Cl- outH2O lost by osmotic pull).
  • Inflammatory, dysentery: invade the epithelium and release toxins that causes cellular injury. Species that cause this include: EHEC (invade the epithelium
  • secrete Shiga-like toxininhibit protein synthesisepithelial cells die), Shigella spp (same as EHEC), EIEC (same as EHEC).
  • Hospital-acquired (antibiotic mediated) diarrhoea: Pseudomembranous colitis: This disease is caused by the exotoxins A+B produced by C. difficile. After dose of antibiotic, gut bacteria is alteredC.difficle flourishrelease exotoxins that inhibit RhO protein synthesis in epithelial cell disrupts actin filamentscells shrink and cell.
  • Mucosal translocation, intra & submucosal proliferation: This type of diarrhoea is caused by species penetrate the mucosa and submucosa to spread via the lymphatics and blood. Species include: Salmonella spp, Campylobacter spp, Yersinia enterocolitica.
  • Travellers diarrhoea: Name given to diarrhoea acquired by travellers due to ingestion of faecally contaminated food. Species that cause this include: E.coli, rotaviruses, Entamoeba histolytica (cysts present in faeces eaten by others infecting them, also sometimes trophozoite form invades the GI epithelium causing erosiondiarrhoea). Giardia Lamblia (trophozoites bind to epithelial cells intestines cannot absorb fat fat passes fatty stools), Crptosporidium.
  • Food-poisoning: outbreaks of diarrhoeal illness. Caused from a single point from which the illness spreads.
  • Enteric fevers: These fevers are caused by organisms that invade the epithelium and enter submucosa lymphatics. During this process they are ingested by macrophages, but they manage to survive. Examples are: Salmonella typhi, paratyphi A&B.
  • Gastritis/duodenitis: Caused by helicobacter pylori.

PATHOGENESIS (Lecture notes)

Microbial factors

The pathogenesis of all types of diarrhoea requires the following microbial factors:

0) ability to survive the environment

1) ability to adhere to mucosa,

2) ability to penetrate the mucosa,

3) ability to produce enterotoxins/cytotoxins,

4) ability to multiply within host tissue.

Review the pathogenic mechanisms outlines above for each organism.

Host factors

The predisposing host factors to diarrhoeal illness stems from microbial factors:

1) decreased gastric acidity,

2) poor intestinal motility

3) disturbed normal flora,

4) decreased antibodies,

5) age,

6) hygiene.

Category: Microbiology Notes



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