Manifestations of Vitamin Deficiency

on 28.12.07 with 0 comments

Water-soluble vitamins

Thiamine (B1) Anorexia, weakness, peripheral neuropathy, cardiac failure, cerebellar signs, Wernicke’s encephalopathy; collectively, termed beriberi

Riboflavin (B2) Angular stomatitis, cheilosis, geographic tongue, skin desquamation, seborrheic dermatitis, anemia

Niacin Dermatitis, dementia, diarrhea, angular stomatitis, painful tongue, headache; collectively, termed pellagra

Pyridoxine (B6) Seborrhea-like facies, cheilosis, glossitis, anemia, peripheral neuritis

Folic acid Anemia, sore tongue, mouth ulcers, nausea, diarrhea, depression, fatigue

Cobalamin (B12) Insidious weakness, fatigue, sore tongue, paresthesia, lower extremity numbness, anorexia, diarrhea, hair loss, depression, dementia

Pantothenic acid Fatigue, paresthesia, weakness, “burning feet”

Biotin Alopecia, scaly dermatitis

Ascorbic acid (C) Weakness, irritability, gingivitis, joint and muscle pain, loose teeth, easy bleeding; collectively, termed scurvy

Fat-soluble vitamins

A Poor dark adaptation, xerophthalmia, dry skin, increased infections

D Tetany, muscle weakness, bone growth disorders (rickets), vertebral fractures, osteopenia (osteomalacia, osteoporosis)

E Areflexia, gait disturbance, paresis of upward gaze, other neurologic signs,

hemolytic anemia

K Bleeding, easy bruisability

Category: Biochemistry Notes



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