
on 30.3.07 with 0 comments

Structure-activity relationship: Acetylation or conjugation with glucuronic acid takes place in the N4 amine group with the resulting acetylation derivatives being inactive.

Mechanism of action: Sulfonamides are bacteriostatic, enhancing phagocytosis of susceptible organisms. Sulfonamides compete with PABA for incorporation into folic acid. Only organisms that endogenously synthesize folate are susceptible.


1. Decreased permeability of cell wall;

2. Decreased enzyme affinity for sulfonamide;

3. Increase in PABA production.

Importance of folate: Folate coenzymes specifically catalyze the transfer and utilization of single carbon moieties that are necessary in the biosynthesis of purines, thymine, and AA (serine, glycine, methionine, histidine).


Peak level reached in 3-4 hrs; effect lasts for 3-4 days; absorbed from duodenum; orally administered; renal excretion rate varies; good penetration (CSF 50-80% of plasma level); acetylated derivatives are more highly bound and thus more difficult to excrete  can lead to crystalluria in kidneys; alkalinization of the urine promotes excretion.

Toxicity and side effects: Hypersensitivity with Steven-Johnson syndrome (long acting sulfamethoxypyridazine and sulfadimethoxine); hemolytic anemia in individuals deficient in G6PDH; agranulocytosis; hepatitis; nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; crystalluria; reduction in gut bacteria can lead to vitamin K deficiency.

Drug interactions:

1. Sulfonamides given to mothers during delivery can precipitate kernicterus in neonates due to displacement of bilirubin;

2. Hypoglycemia when given with tolbutamide;

3. Cotrimoxazole increases warfarin levels;

4. Sulfa drugs displace thiopental so anesthesia lasts longer;

5. Vitamin K deficiency-associated bleeding;

6. Increased half-lives of some anticonvulsants (phenytoin).

Spectrum: Gram(+), gram (-), some filterable agents, trachoma, Nocardia.

Indications: UTIs, nocardiosis (agent of choice), chlamydial infections, shigellosis (nonabsorbable sulfas), trachoma/inclusion conjunctivitis (with tetracyclines).

  • Sulfadiazine – short-acting, liquid suspension available.
  • Sulfisoxazole – short-acting
  • Sulfamethylthiadazole – short-acting
  • Sulfamethoxazole – intermediate-acting, more likely to cause crystalluria, liquid suspension available.
  • Mafenide – topical, used for chronic burn lesions, alpha-amino-p-toluensulfonamide.
  • Succinylsulfathiazole & Salicylazosulfapyridine – poorly-absorbed, used to decrease gut flora, prodrugs.

Category: Pharmacology Notes



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