Thyroid Gland

on 11.7.06 with 0 comments

A. Location - lower aspect of larynx and upper trachea

- two lateral lobe connected by an isthmus on anterior

surface of superior trachea

B. Histology & Physiology

  1. Thyroid Follicles - functional units

a. follicle cells secrete Thyroxine (Thyroid Hormone)

Thyroxine is a combination of Tyrosine & Iodine to make

two compounds: Tetraiodothyronine – T4

Triiodothyronine – T3

Thyroxine is transported in the blood as Thyroid-binding

Globulin (TBG)

2. Test for Thyroid Activity –

- thyroxine is transported in combination with plasma proteins

(TBG) – PBI test ( protein Bound Iodine) Serves to quantitify

the levels of thyroxine in the blood

  1. Thyroxine Action

a. Calorigenic Effects – increases Catabolism and produces extra body heat

1 mg of thyroxine = an increased heat production of 1000 calories

b. Growth & Development – Works with STH to produce growth and

development of tissues and organs

- Nervous Tissue particularly effected

- hyposecretion results in Mental Retardation

  1. Metabolic Effects

a. diuretic

b. protein and carbohydrate catabolism (stimulates cellular uptake)

c. increases activity of nervous system

d. increases heart rate

e. causes muscular weakness

  1. Parafolliclar Cells – secrete Thyrocalcitionin (TCT)

a. decreases excretion of Calcium & Phosphate ions

b. increases Osteoblast activity –[Ca+2 & PO-3 deposition in bone

6. Disorders of the Thyroid

a. Hyperthyroidism (Grave’s disease)

- elevated PBI

- increases nervousness and irritability

- elevated BMR

- exophthalmos – results in edema behind the eyes

b. Hypothyroidism

Cretinism – occurs if the hyposecretion is during fetal or

early developmental life.

- results in reduced metabolism

- results in reduced growth

- results in mental retardation

Myxedema – occurs if the hyposecretion is during adult life

- results in reduced metabolism

- results in mental & physical activity

- results in increased blood pressure

- results in accumulation of subcutaneous fluids

Category: Physiology Notes



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