Adrenal Glands

on 11.7.06 with 0 comments

A. Location - consists as two glands in each and sit like a cap on the kidneys

B. Adrenal Cortexsecretes the Adrenal Cortical Hormones

1. Glucocorticoids produced by cells of the Zona Fasciculata

a. corticosterone

b. cortisol (hydrocortisone)

c. cortisone

- elevates blood sugar levels by acceleration of

glycogenolysis and glucogenolysis – [causes conversion of

proteins into carbohydrates – resulting in “Tissue Wasting”

- promotes protein catabolism

- promotes fat catabolism

- promotes vasoconstriction to maintains normal blood pressure

- promotes stress resistance through Anti-Inflammatory actions

2. Mineralocorticoids – produced by the cells of the Zona Glomerrulosa

a. aldosterone

- causes Sodium retention and Potassium excretion

- causes water retention and blood pressure

3. Gonadocorticoids – produced by cells of the Zona Reticularis

a. these are the sex hormones that are produced by the adrenal

cortex in small amounts in booth males and females

4. Abnormal Adrenal Cortical Function:

a. Addison’s Disease – caused by Hyposecretion of Cortical hormones

- results in increased blood potassium levels

- results decreased sodium retention and dehydration

- results decreased blood glucose levels

- results decreased blood pressure

- results decreased stress resistance

- results increased risk of kidney failure

b. Cushing’s syndrome – causes by Hypersecretion of Cortical Hormones

- results in shifts of the body fat to the face and shoulders

- results in general body weakness

- results in altered carbohydrate & electrolyte metabolism

    1. Adrenogenital Syndrome – caused by Hypersecretion of Gonadotropins

- results in premature sexual development in both males and females

- results in masculinization of females

C. Adrenal Medulla Hormones –Epinephrine & Norepinephrine

Effects: - Sympathomimetic

- Increased blood pressure due to increased heart rate & constriction

of blood vessels

- Increased respiratory rate and dilation of bronchioles

- Increased blood sugar and cellular metabolism

- Decreased digestive tract activity

Category: Physiology Notes



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