Antibacterial Agents: Rapid Review

on 16.3.05 with 0 comments

  1. Bacterial wall synthesis inhibitors

    1. PBP

    2. D-ala-D-ala

    3. cytoplasmic D-alanine incorporation into UDP-MUrNAc-oligopeptide

    4. binds lipopeptide on G+ and forms a pore.

    5. inhibits peptidoglycan polymerization (lipid P binding)

  1. 30S Inhibitors

  2. 50S Inhibitors

  3. Initiation complex formation

    1. O2 dependent uptake

    2. Not

  4. Amino-acid incorporation

  5. Peptide bond formation

  6. Translocation

  1. Folic Acid synthesis inhibitors (nucleotide synthesis)

    1. dihydropteroate synthetase

    2. dihydrofolate reductase

  2. DNA gyrase inhibitors

  3. Acts of low redox potential e- acceptor bacteria

Rapid Review Answers

  1. Bacterial wall synthesis inhibitors

    1. Penicillin, Cephalosporins, Carbapenems, Azteronam

    2. Vancomycin

    3. Cycloserine

    4. Daptomycin

    5. Bacitratin

  1. Aminoglycosides, tetracycline

  2. Chloramphenicols, Macrolides, Clindamycin

  3. Aminoglycosides, Linezolid

    1. Aminoglycosydes

    2. Linezolid

  4. Tetracycleines

  5. Chloramphenicol

  6. Macrolides, clindamycin

  1. Sulfonamides, Trimethoprim

    1. Sulfomanamide: dihydropteroate synthetase

    2. Trimethoprim/pyrimethamine: dihydrofolate reductase

  2. (Fluoro)quinolones

  3. Nitroimidazole/metroimidazole

Category: Pharmacology Notes



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