OBG Viva

on 25.1.11 with 0 comments

What is CTG?

It's a method of fetal well-being assessment, to monitor the fetal heart rate in relation to the uterine contraction.

What are the characteristics of REACTIVE CTG?

Baseline variability of 5-25 bpm
Baseline rate of 110-150 bpm
> 2 accelerations in 20 min CTG trace
Absence of decceleration

What is the false positive percentage in a non-reactive CTG?


What are the types of decceleration in CTG?

Early deceleration
Late deceleration
Variable deceleration

Mention ONE clinical scenario for each deceleration and the underlying cause for it.

Early deceleration - 2nd stage of labour, due to fetal head compression against maternal pelvis, causing vagal stimulation

Late deceleration - Fetal distress (hypoxia, acidosis)

Variable deceleration - IUGR, Cord prolapse, Oligohydramnios

What is a Partograph?

Partograph is a graphical representation of the progress of labour against time in hours

What are the important parameters you monitor in partograph and how frequently?

Blood pressure and Pulse rate every 2 hours
Cervical dilatation every 4 hours
Station every 4 hours
Uterine contraction (strength and frequency) every 1/2 hour
Fetal heart rate every 1/2 hour

What is the significance of ALERT line and ACTION line in a set up like Jasin Hospital?

Both line indicates the need of labour augmentation and appropriate referral to a Tertiary Hospital

What is the rate of cervical dilatation in primi and multi in active phase of 1st stage of labour?

For primi - 1cm/hr
For multi - 1.5cm/hr

What is the significance of Meconium Stained Amniotic Fluid/Light meconium stained liqour?

Fetal hypoxia leading to acidosis, causing hyper-stimulation and eventual relaxation of fetal anal sphincter, leading to passage of meconium into the liqour.

Category: Gynecology Notes , Obstetrics Notes



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