Management of Oral Lesions Associated with Chemotherapy

on 16.3.09 with 0 comments

Mucositis, Oral lesions, Oral mucosal inflammation…

Prescribe mouth rinses using sucralfate (Carafate). This drug is approved as an anti-ulcer agent (Gastric- Duodenal). It does not act systemically. It provides a chemical mucosal barrier allowing tissues (mucosa) to heal. It is a sugar- aluminum complex molecule. There are no contraindications for its use. The drug is available as a solution-suspension. Contains 1.0 g/ 10 mL (dissolved in glycerin, methylcellulose, water, simethacone).

Remember: If the pt swallows the rinse, aluminum ions in the gut may chelate with certain medications (eg, tetracyclines, ciprofloxin, etc.) administered concurrently. Advise the pt to avoid swallowing the rinse.

Category: Medical Subject Notes , Pharmacology Notes



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