on 2.2.09 with 0 comments

  • STRUCTURE: ds-DNA, linear, non-enveloped, enclosed in a cubical capsid. Capsomeres form hexons and pentons.

  • REPLICATION: In nucleus.

    • The DNA has an accessory protein covalently linked at the 5' end, which aids in viral replication.

    • Early genes are transcribed in the cytoplasm. Early proteins inhibit host DNA synthesis and promote viral DNA synthesis and late gene expression.

    • Late genes transcribe a long mRNA that is differentially spliced to form structural proteins.

    • Replication differs from SV40 virus in that it proceeds from the ends toward the center, but there are no Okazaki fragments.

  • ADENOVIRUS: 41 serotypes, grouped A-G.

    • PATHOGENESIS: Infects epithelial cells lining respiratory tract, GI tract, and conjunctiva.

      • It persists in lymphoid tissues such as Peyer's Patches may be reactivated in immunosuppression.

      • Produces a cytopathic effect (CPE) of grape-like clusters in culture.

    • TRANSMISSION: Fecal-oral, respiratory.

    • MANIFESTATIONS: Only a small number of infections.

      • Acute Respiratory Infections: Types 4-7. Military recruits now get a vaccine to prevent this.

      • Conjunctivitis: Types 3 and 8. Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis or Shipyard-Eye.

      • Acute Gastroenteritis: Types 40 and 41, especially in infants.

      • Acute Hemorrhagic Cystitis: Young males; types 11 and 22.

      • Cervicitis and urethritis: Types 37

      • Pharyngoconjunctival fever: In children, types 3 and 7

      • Acute febrile pharyngitis

Category: Microbiology Notes



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