You are here: Home » Pathology Notes » Meningiomas
Common and benign tumor of adults that come from cells of the arachnoid mater
Not intraparenchymal, but grow along meninges
Growth commonly along a convexity like the falx or tentorium
Called extra-axial lesions since growth not in parenchyma
Slight female predominance (especially in spinal cord tumors) because they may have estrogen and progesterone receptors on them (grow very quickly in pregnancy)
Well-circumscribed and compress the brain tissue without invading into it
Might show a whirling pattern of cells
Some variants may be more aggressive
Papillary meningioma tends to metastasize
May invade into surrounding brain, which is ominous (called malignant meningiomas)
The benign ones tend to have psammoma bodies
Category: Pathology Notes
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