Allergic asthma

on 15.1.09 with 0 comments

Principles to understand

  • TH2 cells help B cells make IgE (this is mediated by IL-4). recall that IgE is much more potent that IgG

  • IgE + antigen makes mast cells degranulate

  • mechanism of action of histamine, leukotrienes

  • range of reactions mediated by IgE depends on dose and route of antigen

  • mechanism of action of “allergy shots”

  • general concepts of Type I, II, III, IV reactions


  • first exposure to pollen

  • if lots of TH2 cells are around, IL-4 is produced, leading to IgE production. if lots of TH1 cells are around, IL-2 is produced, and lots of complement-fixing IgG is produced

  • in the absence of antigen, IgE, produced by B cells in response to IL-4, binds to Fc receptors of mast cells

  • in a couple of weeks, the second exposure to pollen leads to activation of mast cells coated with anti-pollen IgE

  • crosslinking of IgE causes mast cells to degranulate

Mast cells

  • you need your mast cells, so you can’t just get rid of mast cells with the intent of curing asthma

  • the signal that makes the mast cells degranulate is the clustering of surface IgE bound to antigen

  • similarly, crosslinking of immunoglobulins, or, more specifically, clustering of surface IgG, is the mechanism by which B cells are stimulated to turn on when they see a big polysaccharide antigen

Acute responses and chronic responses in asthma

  • acute responses

    • more mucus is produced in bronchi lumen; smooth muscle contracts; overall, your airways narrow

    • inflammatory mediators also act on blood vessel cells in the same ways we’ve been talking about

  • chronic responses

    • if you are a TH2 type person, any antigen processed will be processed in a TH2 environment and you will be predisposed to allergic responses

    • H2 cells make all interleukins they normally make, including IL-5, which stimulates eosinophils

    • all the eosinophil products cause permanent hypertrophy of your smooth muscle, permanent increase in mucus secretion, and scarring

    • remember, “mast cells degranulate when you even just say something mean to it”

    • when you have this kind of airway, you are susceptible to anything

Mast cell contents

  • enzymes

    • tryptase, chymase, cathepsin G, carboxypeptidase

    • important for remodeling connective tissue matrix

    • however, it also destroys the basement membrane, causing scarring

  • toxic mediators

    • histamine, heparin

    • these are toxic to parasites

    • increase vascular permeability

    • cause SM contraction

  • cytokines

    • appropriate for starting your response up

    • IL-13, IL-4: TH2 cells

    • IL-3, IL-5, GM-CSF: eosinophils

    • TNFα: inflammation, activation of endothelium

  • chemokine: CCL3

  • lipid mediators

    • leukotrienes: SM contraction, ↑vascular permeability, mucus secretion; this is a more delayed response because leukotrienes are not preformed

    • PAF attracts leukocytes, amplifies production of lipids, activates neutrophils, eosinophils, platelets

  • so, mast cells are good at turning on the entire immune response as well as mediating allergies

Category: Pathology Notes



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