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Know the mechanism of oliguria in ATN
See fig. 21-33 in Robbins (p970)
Tubular damage secondary to toxic/ischemic damage Activation of vasoconstrictors (angiotensin, thromboxane, catecholamine) & decreased secretion of prostoglandins and kallikreins Decreased GFR Decreased tubular fluid Oliguria
Tubular casts formed by necrotic debris obstruction of tubules increased intratubular pressure Decreased GFR
Tubular damage Back leak of tubular fluid into interstitial tissue Edema
Decreased GFR by direct effect of toxins/ischemia
Ischemia is thought to inhibit production of endothelium-derived relaxation factor (EDRF), and thereby inhibit the effect of vasodilators
Ischemia stimulates release of endothelin, a potent vasoconstrictor
Any mixture of the above scenarios
Know the histology of ATN and the characteristic histologic features of ischemic ATN and nephrotoxic ATN
See figs. 21-34 and 35 in Robbins
ATN involves necrosis of (proximal) tubular cells, leading to acute renal failure (ARF), and is in fact the most common cause of ARF
Ischemic ATN
Single/Small cluster cell necrosis Necrosis at multiple points w/ large skip areas
Rupture of tubular basement membrane (BM)
Lesion is mild and focal – most frequently affects proximal tubules
Nonnecrotic tubules are dilated and show loss of brush border
Edema of interstitial tissue
Accumulation of leukocytes w/in vasa recta
TEM - Often fibrin deposition and platelet thrombi in glomerular capillaries
SEM – Enlargement of podocytes
Signs of epithelial regeneration one week after acute episode - Hyperchromatic nuclei and mitoses
Nephrotoxic ATN
Massive necrosis – often affects proximal and distal tubules
BM is intact
Know the causes of nephrotoxic ATN and the characteristics of renal lesions in mercuric chloride, carbon tetrachloride and ethylene glycol
HgCL2 - Large eosinophilic inclusions in nucleus during acute phase; stains w/ acid-fast bacillus stain
CCl4 - Accumulation of neutral fat
Ethylene glycol - Calcium oxalate crystals in tubular lumens
Know the different phases of ATN
Initial phase
Can last from 0 (in the case of ischemic insult) to 7 days (in the case of CCl4)
Asymptomatic – normal urine output
Elevated BUN and serum creatinine
Decreased total solute excretion rate
Hypotension / Shock
Oliguric phase
Can last 4 days – 4 weeks
Urine output <>
If <100>
Elevated BUN, serum creatinine, and K
Low osmolar urine – FENa >3%
May be a slight, nonselective proteinuria due to necrotic debris
Diuretic phase
Gradual increase in urine volume – about 100 cc/day
Immature tubule cells aren’t good at reabsorption yet
Urine has a low osmolality, but high concentration of Na, K, Cl
Proteinuria up to 4 g/day
Elevated BUN and serum creatinine
Most patients (25%) die during this phase b/c of volume and electrolyte imbalances
Recovery phase
Usually in 17 days – but variable
BUN and serum creatinine final return towards normal
Complete recovery is influenced by previous renal status, age, and severity of disease (usually proportional to length of oliguric phase)
Know the causes of death in ATN
Over the years, development of ARF has dramatically declined but ~65% of patients w/ oliguria still die
Sepsis – uremia and azotemia predispose to infection
Respiratory failure – due to water retention and edema
Myocardial failure
GI bleeding
Biochemical disorders – wounds, devitalized tissue
Depends on cause of renal failure, age, injury to other organs, and type of injury (Post traumatic > Post surgical > Medical > Obstetric cases in terms of % mortality)
Know the mechanism of nonoliguric ATN
Often seen with aminoglycoside toxicity
Better prognosis than oliguric ATN
Filtering still occurs in residual nephrons
Urine output > 400cc/day
Category: Pathology Notes
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