
on 9.10.08 with 0 comments

  • found on decaying organic matter

  • bread mold


  • caused by fungi of the zygomyces class/mucofales order

  • Mucor, Rhizopus, Absidia most common

  • all these organisms form non-septate hyphae

Mucor host defense

  • PMNs kill the organism

  • low pH enhances growth, interferes with PMN function

  • low pH shifts Fe-Hgb dissociation curve, making iron available to the organism

Patients at risk for Mucor infection

  • those with diabetic ketoacidosis

  • those on desferoxamine: makes people urinate iron

  • neutropenic patients

Changing clinical challenges in high-risk patients

  • organ transplant patients get a variety of molds and yeasts

  • everyone has Aspergillus and Mucor, but aside from that, infectious agents differ throughout the country

Category: Microbiology Notes



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