on 29.6.08 with 0 comments

(This is part of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) along with Ulcerative Colitis and Whipples)

  • Chron’s, or Iliocolitis are the aka’s

  • Regional Enteritis starts at the distal ileum

  • 40% involve cecum at the beginning; however it can be anywhere from mouth to anus.

  • This is not the same as ulcerative colitis even though they are related

  • Know Dif bet. UC, RE, and Whipples

  • It is a full thickness IBD

  • It involves very big holes

  • Leads to perforations

  • Can have long periods of remission

  • Skip lesions seen on endoscopic exam and contrast.

  • In remissive tissue lesions fill in with adhesion (scar tissue) that shrinks down over time

  • Can decrease peristaltic wave through that region

  • Can get low grade obstruction from narrowed lumen

  • Can happen at any age though 2nd and 3rd decade is most common

  • RE has no gender bias

  • More Caucasians of Jewish descent get RE (chron’s)

  • Chron’s is 2-3x more common in blood relatives.

  • Diarrhea followed by constipation is a major sign of RE

  • The lesion is dominated by immune globulins

  • Milk and dairy are trigger foods, however they don’t cause the disease

  • The cause seems to be genetic predisposition with viral trigger

  • Once the skip lesions reach the capillary bed you will begin to see blood in the stool of RE patients (hemocult = positive)

  • RE can cause anemia but so can menstruation so RE in women can be missed especially since it is prime in the 2nd and 3rd decade.

  • If the SI isn’t absorbing appropriately RE people will see weight loss

  • THE stool of RE patients will have stuff in it that should have been absorbed

  • Retrograde endoscopy is the best way to diagnose it (contrast shows decrease peristaltic wave

  • If it goes through one loop, it can go into another causing a fistula

  • Additionally, it can also break through to surrounding organs (i.e. bladder) and urine will smell like caca (that means poop)

  • TREATMENT of REGIONAL ENTERITES a.k.a. chron’s/iliocolitis

    • the most successful drugs claim 40% success rate, barely beating placebo

    • we (chiropractors) can help 40-50% without the side effects of drugs so we are better tx.

    • Cutting out/ avoiding trigger foods (i.e. dairy) is a good form of treatment

    • During inflammation consume highly absorbable foods

    • Avoid raw vegetables and fruits b/c the bulk of it will not get absorbed and will speed through the SI and not get absorbed.

    • Corticosteroids – are advised if the flare up is very bad

Category: Gastroenterology Notes



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